Monday 25 August 2014

Funny Facebook Statuses

  • Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet?
  • Behind every successful student, there is a deactivated Facebook account.
  • Marriage is like going to a restaurant and order your choice from the menu, And then look at neighboring table n wish you’d ordered that.
  • Wrestling is obviously fake. Why would two people fight over a belt when neither of them are wearing pants?
  • When my hands are cold I warm them between my thighs. Are your ears cold?
  • A man asks a trainer in the gym: “I want 2 impress that beautiful girl , which machine can I use?” Trainer replies: “Use the ATM”
  •  My mom just learned how to text. And her text to me said "can you hear me? 

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Best Friend Wishes Quots

  • May you have all the the answers to the questions posed to you in life or in the exams!
    Best wishes for success and excellence in all your endeavors
  • Good friends are like stars.You don’t always see them but they’re always there
  • A true friend is one who knows you as a person and regards you for what you are, and doesn't expect you to be anyone but who you choose to be.
  • A true friend is the greatest of all blessings, and that which we take the least care of all to acquire
  •  Friendship is not something that is written on paper, because paper can be torn. It is neither something that can be written on a rock, for even a rock can break. But it is written on the heart of a person, and it stays there forever.
  • That was what a best friend did: hold up a mirror and show you your heart.
  • Friendship is the precious gift from god so don't waste it just enjoy it.
  • I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends.
    I’m surrounded by angels but I call them my best friends. - See more at:
     I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends.
    I’m surrounded by angels but I call them my best friends.
  • True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost
  • One day i may die without saying good bye to you
    But i will never forget to say thank you.
    Becouse you hold the most loveliest part in my life